
【iPhone 4S】 ソフトバンクオンラインショップ オンライン予約!

10月7日にauとソフトバンクから予約開始となったスティーブ・ジョブズの遺作、iPhone 4S。
市場と僕の期待とは裏腹にマイナーアップデートだったことは非常に残念だったが、iPhone3G→android(HTC desire HD)と変遷している自分にとってはあのiphoneの滑らかさとかギミックとかが懐かしくてたまらない。。
特にmacbook proを使っているので、半年位前からiphone4でもいいから欲しいとずっと思ってきた。


10月9日23時半          <メール>予約注文
10月21日11時20分    <メール>在庫確保の連絡(本申し込みご依頼のご連絡)
10月21日22時            <メール>本予約完了の連絡(お申し込み受付のご連絡)
10月25日18時             自宅着予定


まえだ :-)
serendipity blog ::from 2009-present

Welcome!!!!! [Goal Statement]

Thanks for visiting this blog!!
I am Maeda the manager, the owner, and also the writer of this blog.
A role of a BLOG has changed dramatically since the births of miracle services called "twitter", "facebook" . As you know, this service makes it possible for the users to tweet back and forth information at real time speed. Facebook enables users to share information and collaborate with beautiful user interface, and need not to say, the largest SNS web service over a billion people use.
Now, what does a BLOG do?
Nonetheless, the services above has different goals, different meanings, but carrying information at a fast speed is what they have in common.
The ultimate goal of this blog is to show and answer the question above in this BLOG by providing users useful information, and knowledge or frameworks.
Maybe it's not as real timed as twitter, maybe it's not as interactive as facebook, maybe not as deep as a book, but that's where the BLOG should be.
What's the first thing a person does when they have some problems, questions, doubts?
Yes, they ask Prof. Google.
At an unique position as a gate and primary answers that users need, BLOGs are the few media that can be there.


*at this point, this BLOG will be brought to you in Japanese, since it's my mother tounge. but in the future, I am planning to release it in different languages like Spanish, and English.

serendipity 2009-today


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