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・現在よく流れてるアンドロイドのCM by docomo↓

以下は私もRSSにて購読しているブログであるproductivity501から”Paradox of Powerful Tools”の引用である。少し話題がずれるが、記事の執筆者の体験談を語ったものである。この執筆者が一時期勤めていた会社のシステムでは二つのワードプロセスのプログラムを持ちいるものを扱っていた。昔ながらの古い基本的なフォーマッティング(太字、斜体、下線)しか使えないシステムと新たに追加されたコンピュータに搭載されていたMicrosoft Wordの二つである。

After talking to a few people, I realized that when someone created a document on the mainframe, they were faced with far fewer choices than in Word. While the flexibility of Word made it much more powerful, that power came at a price. The price was the number of decisions required to make a document. Word users had to decide what template to use, whether to change the font, if they should save the document on their computer or the server, whether to accept the Office Assistant’s offer to help, and and what font to use. And that is all before they even started typing on their document. I saw people spending hours selecting clip art, trying different fonts, changing margins and struggling with indents and tabs. These were all things that hadn’t been an issue before because they weren’t possible on the mainframe.
Your productivity with a given tool is inversely proportional to the number of unnecessary decisions the tool requires. Even if the tool doesn’t “require” you to make a decision, it will slow you down if it occupies your thoughts. This means that many “powerful” tools will actually make you less productive by offering you options that you will never use.
To be productive, you need to have the simplest tool that does everything that you need. A jackhammer is much more powerful than an icepick, but if you are trying to break up ice cubes, the most powerful tool is not the most productive.



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Welcome!!!!! [Goal Statement]

Thanks for visiting this blog!!
I am Maeda the manager, the owner, and also the writer of this blog.
A role of a BLOG has changed dramatically since the births of miracle services called "twitter", "facebook" . As you know, this service makes it possible for the users to tweet back and forth information at real time speed. Facebook enables users to share information and collaborate with beautiful user interface, and need not to say, the largest SNS web service over a billion people use.
Now, what does a BLOG do?
Nonetheless, the services above has different goals, different meanings, but carrying information at a fast speed is what they have in common.
The ultimate goal of this blog is to show and answer the question above in this BLOG by providing users useful information, and knowledge or frameworks.
Maybe it's not as real timed as twitter, maybe it's not as interactive as facebook, maybe not as deep as a book, but that's where the BLOG should be.
What's the first thing a person does when they have some problems, questions, doubts?
Yes, they ask Prof. Google.
At an unique position as a gate and primary answers that users need, BLOGs are the few media that can be there.


*at this point, this BLOG will be brought to you in Japanese, since it's my mother tounge. but in the future, I am planning to release it in different languages like Spanish, and English.

serendipity 2009-today


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